Linx Hunting
Estonia is the only country in Europe to Hunt Lynx.
1st December to end February
Minimum hunting 4 days
Minimum 2 hunters
The Lynx, except a female with cubs, maybe hunted in Estonia from December 1 to February 28. Lynx is hunted with dogs.
Currently, we are not offering Lynx Hunting in Estonia since no licenses are issued!
Lynx in Estonia
The population of Lynx in Estonia fluctuates significantly and is very dependent on the population of deer and other small animals.
Lynx Hunting with Dogs
The Lynx, except a female with cubs, may be hunted in Estonia from December 1 to February 28. The hunt usually develops in “drive hunting” using dogs.
Development of hunting
Before dawn, our guides roam the hunting areas looking for fresh tracks of lynx Once found the guides proceed to verify that Lynx is located in an area with relatively easy access.
When the guide informs us that the conditions for hunting lynx are favourable we will move to the hunting area to start the hunt.
Once everything is ready for the start of the hunt we will proceed to release the dog on the track and one of our guides will enter the area following the tracks of the dog and lynx. The dog will have a GPS transmitter and radiofrequency to keep us in constant contact with their position.
Once the dog finds the lynx he will keep it “treed” The lynx will climb up the tree to keep out of reach of the dogs. At that point, the hunter may approach the forest and set up for a clear shot.. The hunter must be in acceptable physical condition to endure walking several kilometres in the snow.
Hunting Areas

Peculiarities of Lynx Hunting with Dogs
This hunt is highly difficult and requires the hunter at least 5 days of hunting to increase his chances of finding a lynx in a suitable area for hunting. There needs to be fresh snowfall which is not always possible.